ブランドストーリー 編集用▲


Tieasy Authentic Classic

2009年 ブランドスタート 日本伝統のニットマシーンを使い普遍的で頑丈なカットソーを作りたいという思いから【Tieasy Authentic Classic(ティージー オーセンティック クラシック)】は誕生いたしました。

「MADE IN JAPAN 」にこだわり、お客様が長く愛用していただけるロングセラーを東北から全国へ。明確なコンセプトで新しいビジョンへと動き出しま した。

2011年 東日本大震災


2012年 東北から世界へ


2016年 グッドデザイン賞 受賞


Tieasy Authentic Classic(ティージー オーセンティック クラシック)は、皆様に愛されるブランドを目指して、これからも進化してまいります。



When our company was founded, we began producing sun-hats incorporating thin sheets of wood, a special product of Onomichi. At present, we are producing hats featuring both excellent functions and artistic designs,
at our own factories in Onomichi and Ningbo, China.
Instead of employing automated mass production techniques, hat-making entails manual operations
carried out by experienced artisans.
Furthermore, it is necessary to pass on and additionally develop their techniques. On the other hand, many time-honored techniques and materials are no longer used today, due to radical changes in fashion trends.
We could probably upcycle these materials into something new and more valuable by transcending hat-making.
With this in mind, we began developing MOBJE.

In the present age, when goods and information are available in abundance,
more and more people have begun to carefully select furniture and lighting equipment that perfectly meet their preference and values. However, a smaller number of people pay close attention to interior decorations.
In this rapidly changing world, it is sometimes good to stop and think of ways to appreciate f ine arts. By introducing artistic interior
decorative items in our living space, we can enrich our daily life.
Hoping to offer not just interior decorations but opportunities for owners to personally rearrange and create works of art,
we have developed MOBJE, which is completed with the final touch of their own hands.
Interior decorations are not daily necessities. However, we believe that spending a little time on creating them
and allocating a little space for them can surely enrich your living space and your daily life.
We hope that MOBJE will provide you with this special opportunity.

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